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Groove Hub Foundation

Make music first.

About us

The Groove Hub Foundation is an organization that puts music first. Our field of work concerns both music with social relevance and music with purely artistic relevance. We make society better through music, based on the belief that music is part of society and should occupy an important place in social interactions, as a way to deal with emotions, events, social events and to relax.
We aim for high auditory quality, music in interaction with its environment, both within the music industry and beyond. We are a social partner for everyone who wants to work together to produce, perform and distribute music. 


Board & Supervision

Michiel Mulder
Artistic director & business manager

Michiel has a passion for music and a vast experience in managing projects, both in music as in other fields. He was a member of the Amsterdam city council for eight years. Previously, he was a board member of a dance foundation and a foundation for educational music projects.

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Maartje Schenkels
Chairperson of the supervisory board

Maartje is an experienced professional and experienced in starting new things, in building connections and spaces. She manages coworking spaces and project teams for coworking spaces in the cultural and the commercial sector among others, the Moving Arts Center.

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